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Bangkok Civil Society Declaration: From Inclusive to Just Development
Asia and the Pacific civil society groups representing 92 organisations from 21 countries representing various major groups and stakeholders gathered in Bangkok to formulate a just and transformative development agenda towards post-2015 and beyond….Read more : APMD_Bangkok_Declaration

Narrative Report: Consolidating & Reaching Out for Development Justiceā€ Asia-Pacific Civil Society Forum on Sustainable Development
A civil society consultation was held on May 15-17, 2014 in the lead up to the inaugural Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD). The consultation attended by 70 participants from the regions aimed to share updates and strategies as well as examine priorities, challenges, and recommendations related to the post-2015 agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A particular focus of this consultation was seeking dialogue and consensus around a new civil society engagement facilitation mechanism for sustainable development. The summary of the results of the meeting…Read more : Narrative_Report_AFFSD

Seventy-five (75) representatives of civil society organizations RCEM in the Asia Pacific region gathered on 15-17 May in Bangkok, Thailand for the Asia Pacific Civil Society Forum on Sustainable Development. The meeting preceded the UNESCAP intergovernmental Asia-Pacific Forum for Sustainable Development (APFSD) and focused on consolidating and expanding the collective civil society call for Development Justice as central part of the post-2015 development agenda…Read more : RCEM-Communique


