Home / Regional Coordinating Committee (2015-2017)

Regional Coordinating Committee (2015-2017)

Regional Coordinating Committee (RCC)

RCEM group

All focal points will constitute the Regional Coordination Committee which will be collectively responsible for facilitating and coordinating the work of the entire RCEM.

The responsibilities of the RCC collectively and the focal points individually are:
1. Information: Sharing information on the post-Rio+20, Post-2015 and related processes and the AP-RCEM to CSOs in the region and feeding back information from constituencies to the AP-RCEM as a whole.
2. Outreach: Inviting CSOs from the various constituencies to engage the post- Rio+20 , Post-2015 and related processes through the AP-RCEM.
3. Policy development: Facilitating process of coming up with common regional,
sub-regional and/or constituency positions and recommendations through thematic working groups related to sustainable development/Post-2015 agenda whenever possible.
4. Engagement: Facilitating the participation of CSOs in regional, sub-regional
and international processes in order to bring regional positions and perspectives related to sustainable development, while ensuring that such engagement is relevant to advocacy, education, organizing, mobilization and/or other related work of members at the national level.
5. Capacity-building: Facilitating and supporting CSO initiatives such as research, education, advocacy, campaigning and skills-sharing for more effective engagement on sustainable development processes/Post-2015
6. Test and enrich structures and processes for the AP-RCEM: facilitating the
collection and systematization of recommendations from the participants on how to improve the functioning of the AP-RCEM.
7. Resource mobilization: Raising funds for all of the above and ensuring transparency and accountability to our constituencies.
