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Asia Pacific CSO Forum on Sustainable Development: Consolidating Peoples’ Agenda for Development Justice

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Asia Pacific CSO Forum on Sustainable Development:
Consolidating Peoples’ Agenda for Development Justice

Date: 21 May 2015 to 22 May 2015
Location: Bangkok, Thailand

The Asia Pacific CSO Forum on Sustainable Development: Consolidating Peoples’ Agenda for Development Justice was organized and supported by Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law, and Development, UNESCAP, UNEP and the AP-RCEM on 17-19 May, 2015.  This was a back to back meeting aiming to inform and build capacity of civil society organisations including those who are coming from underrepresented constituencies and who are new in engaging in the UN Processes or new to sustainable development discourse. The objectives of the meeting were:

1. Inform and build capacity of civil society participants on sustainable development at the global and regional levels, and on the opportunities and modalities for engaging these processes;

2. Provide a space for dialogue on the content and substance of the APFSD and UNEP Forum of Environment Ministers and Environmental Authorities, formulate civil society positions building on Asia-Pacific civil society messages on post-Rio+20 and post-2015 development agenda and strategize interventions at the APFSD and the UNEP Forum;

3. Reflect on the work of Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism 2014-2015, and elect the new committee of AP-RCEM and UNEP Alternate Regional Representative

4. Agree on joint actions and follow up to civil society positions adopted.




Programme Asia Pacific CSO Forum on Sustainable Development

AP-RCEM Communique

Environment and Health Linkages in Asia Pacific

Environment Outlook Background Document

SDG Background Paper

Translating General Development Goals into Practical Policies

UNEA Background Paper_22 April 2015

Aligning corporate sustainablity with SDGs – tentative agenda 2015-05-13



Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism by Marjorie Pamintuan | Asia Pacific Research Network

Financing for developent Presentation by Cai Yiping | DAWN

HLPF and post 2015; Structure, position, review and participation by Ajay Jha | CECOEDECON

Why Engage in the Post-2015 process by o Aaron Ceradoy | Asia Pacific Mission on Migrants

SDGs and P2015 overview by Paul Quintos | Ibon International

Day 1

CSO_SD_17.05_draft by Ms. Hitomi Rankine, Environmental Affairs Officer, Environment and Development Division, ESCAP

ESCAP Presentation – CSO_SD_17.05_draft by Ms. Hitomi Rankine, Environmental Affairs Officer, Environment and Development Division, ESCAP

UNEA Opportunities for CSO Engagement_AP Ministerial Forum  by Alexander Juras, Chief, Major Groups and Stakeholder Branch and Satwant Kaur, Regional Information Officer, UNEP

SDGs and P2015 overview by Paul Quintos | Ibon International

Privatization of SDGs by Wali Haider | Roots for Equity

Post 2015 Development Agenda  by Ranja Sengupta | Third World Network

CSO Perspective CSO Engagements in UN Global and Regional Intergovernmental processes by Neth Dano | ETC Group

Video to support LGBTIQ Rights: https://www.unfe.org/en/actions/the-riddle–15  by Rudolf Bastian Tampubolon, GCAP Youth SENCAP

Environmental Concerns in the Region_An Outlook from Indonesia by Ahmad Syamsul Hadi | Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia

Pesticides & Environmental Health by Chela Vasquez | Pesticide Action Network Asia Pacific

CSO Perspectives on Economic and Social Impacts by Maria Finesa Cosico, AGHAM-Advocates of Science and Technology for the People

High Level Political Forum by Kate Lappin

Indicators survey APFSD by Kate Lappin

Day 2

Architecture for Regional SD Mechanism by Ajay Jha | CECOEDECON, Meena Bilgi | WOCAN and Govind Kelkar | LANDESA

RCEM presentation by Wardarina | APWLD ; Marjorie Pamintuan | APRN ; Ranja Sengupta | TWN

MOI & FFD overview by Paul Quintos | Ibon International

Outcome Documents

Consolidating People’s Agenda for Development Justice Summary of Civil Society Recommendations for the APFSD: AP-RCEM APFSD Statement (English Only)

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